Saturday 6 February 2010

Oh boy...

Well, the one uni I thought would accept me has given me an almost instant no... So that's a bit balls. No doubt my beloved Davy'll be happy, haha~ He won't really, he'll be sorta half happy half bummed for me.

My new job placement is, well, shit. Not comfortable at all. Also have to work with Charlene, who was my friend until we drifted apart in high school. Can't help but feel she can't abide me now. I liked the people I was working with before... This shall be a shit six months... Four or five if I really can't take it. Dreading this.

... Also haven't been sleeping well, keep have seriously unplesant dreams. Really, really unpleasant dreams.

Man, this is bumming me out to no end.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. Fuck.

1 comment:

  1. ): It sucks that it's shit in Ctown ): I heard Mary bitching about the manager there earlier today; not good.
    Sorry to hear about the bad dreams DD: DON'T READ THE DREAM BOOK. It will only make things worse xD
